I’m proud of my clients’ success.

Read the stories of some of the incredible people who once stood where you’re standing now—and have found their path to fulfillment in their careers.

  • I was referred to Chip by a former colleague of mine. I was going through a career transition at the time and she thought Chip would be a perfect person for me to speak with. She was absolutely right. Chip helped me evaluate my goals and the direction I wanted to go in my career. He was able to introduce me to opportunities that I never knew were possible and helped me find my dream career! Throughout the process he never pushed me into making decisions but instead encouraged me to discover and make the choices I felt most comfortable with for me at the pace that was right for me. I felt like I had an advisor and a friend as I navigated a pivotal point in my career and life and that was just what I needed. If you are looking at making a career change Chip is absolutely the person you need to speak with!

    Kellie D – New Business Owner, CA
  • First and foremost, Chip is a consummate professional. I was deeply grateful for the way he always focused on my best interests and his respect for my autonomy.  He understood that only I could determine what was best for my personal situation.  Instead of dictating a direction, Chip presented options and opportunities for me to choose from.  At no point did I feel pressured to take a path that wasn’t comfortable for me.  Chip guided me through a discovery process that revealed numerous valuable insights about myself and helped me identify career opportunities that were aligned and tailored to my unique personality and goals.  Although I ultimately chose to return to a corporate role rather than pursue a franchise opportunity, I greatly benefited from Chip’s time and appreciated his thoughtful and supportive approach.  I can’t imagine anyone doing Chip’s job better, and I would highly recommend him to anyone at a crossroad in their career.

    Steven D – Healthcare Operations Director, IL
  • I really enjoyed working with Chip! He has helped me focus and prioritize the next step of my career, while also helping me see what possibilities and opportunities are out there. The tools, resources, and knowledge that Chip brings to the table are outstanding! Thanks Chip!

    Alex S – Program Manager, CA
  • One of the most amazing professional experiences ever! Chip is fantastic – so patient, kept me focused on goals and had all of the right connections to make this path of discovery so successful! Highly recommend Chip to anyone who wants to do their own thing!

    Heather J – Assistant VP, Hospital System, NC
  • Chip is fantastic at what he does. He is as genuine as they come, and really took the time to get to know me as we explored my goals and options for a major transition in my life. He empowered me with confidence and information at all the right stages of my career journey, setting me up to have insightful conversations with stakeholders along the way.

    For anyone stuck in a rut, or just curious about their own potential, I would recommend a conversation with Chip. It just might change the trajectory of your life in ways you never thought possible!

    Karen G – New Business Owner, NY
  • I’ve had the pleasure to interact with Chip over the last 4 and a half months as he has guided and educated me through an exploration process regarding small business/franchise ownership. I highly recommend to anyone interested in learning more about this subject to reach out to Chip. In every one of our interactions, Chip was courteous, patient and understanding. I never once felt pressured to take any steps that I was not prepared to take and he was happy to accommodate the pace at which I preferred to take the journey and my personal style. He was a coach in the truest sense of the term, challenging and encouraging me to “think outside the box” and to “allow myself to dream” but always with my best interests and growth in mind. If you are looking for a resource to help you navigate questions about the franchise business model, you will not regret contacting Chip Meyers.

    Benjamin B – Mechanical Design Engineer, PA
  • Chip reached out to me during a transition point in life, when I was particularly down after having been laid off after many years in the software development industry. I am a skeptical, untrusting person by nature, but I took a chance and took the call.

    That decision was one of the best of my life. Chip showed me a different way, he challenged me, and helped me change my perspective. There were times during the process that I felt overwhelmed, but rather than push, Chip was a calming influence that gave me the internal confidence to stay true to my self and say, “no” when it made sense to do so. He provided connections that opened my eyes to business opportunities and financial solutions that I would have never discovered on my own.

    Ultimately, at the end of the process, I walked away deciding on a completely different path than the one Chip provided. But I couldn’t have gotten there without him, and even in parting, he was supportive of my decision.

    In life there are few situations where you cannot lose. Having a conversation with Chip is one of those rare occasions. You may walk away the owner of your own new company, or you may return to the corporate work content in your decision. Either way, you will learn something about yourself in a safe, supportive environment.

    Take the call.

    Ben L – Operations / Generalist / Entrepreneur, NY
  • Listing myself as a “client of Chip” seems inaccurate to me. In my experience, I’d use the word colleague, and not lightly. I met Chip very soon after, as he would put it, I was “unexpectedly separated from payroll”. Chip helped me during this difficult time by helping me identify what is most important, why, and how many ways there are to get there.

    During our (still occurring) weekly calls, Chip asks important questions and listens for understanding. He cares enough to challenge assumptions and knee-jerk reactions, bringing the conversation back to the goals and the why.

    My journey with Chip is not complete but I’d be remiss if I waited until nearer the end to reciprocate the tremendous and genuine effort he has given me by whole-heartedly recommending Chip Meyers to anyone who is considering or otherwise in a transition professionally.

    The benefit will be realized very early on, after a few short meetings and a bit of very worthwhile homework. It does not end there and you will be better for it.

    Adam F. – Business Development & Operations Specialist, NY
  • I cannot recommend Chip highly enough. As a career ownership coach, he is not pushy, nor does he try to sell you anything… in fact, his services are free to his clients. My experience was a complete joy. It consisted of several phone conversations, some homework, and some thinking, sometimes deep thinking. Your conversations with Chip will range from roles you have held in whatever career(s) you’ve had. What you liked and disliked in each role. What you are good at, or not so good at, what you want to be when you grow up, and more. Just follow his process, it is painless, and in the end, if you choose to change nothing about your life or career, at the very least you will have gained valuable knowledge about yourself, your life goals, and if you are like me you will have gained a friend in Chip. Take the call, or make the call, it will be worth every minute of your time.

    Ben H – New Business Owner, NC
  • Jack London wrote, “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” Chip Meyers came to me at a time when I was seeking clarification on how best to use my time. His conversational approach to understanding YOUR motivations and goals as he seeks to present opportunities was extremely helpful. He is an excellent listener and for some of us, that is all we might need at the time. He allowed me to verbally process and appropriately presented opportunities for me to consider that I was unaware.

    I highly recommend Chip to anyone seeking clarity on opportunities and looking to take ownership over their career.

    Chris J – Sr Director, Disaster Management, TX
  • Chip’s approach is both educational and informative. Educational on helping to uncover (through a series of brief assignments) the areas and settings in which your skills are maximized, and informative on introducing an assortment of opportunities that align best with those skills and your future goals. His process is not rushed, but spread over a period of weeks and without pressure in any one direction. Chip gets my recommendation. Terrific experience.

    Robert S – Operational Leader / Process Improvement, TX
  • Exploring your career options? Lost in a dead end job? 30 Years into the same industry? Laid off? Truly not sure what to do? Stop reading and call Chip! 🙂 I wasn’t exactly looking for anything, but the timing when I met Chip was perfect. Chip invested so much time in my quest to find true clarity for what I wanted to do in life and in career and the two are not exclusive. Chip listened, provided sound perspectives to consider and ultimately did introduce me to possibilities that match my interest, and the education about how to approach such an investigation. I am a 30 year educator and owning a franchise was not on my bucket list, but I was open to exploring and learning what it would take, how I could afford it, and to my surprise I found myself seriously considering building something for myself that could take me into retirement and building more wealth doing something I would love! I was introduced to a number of incredible people, and quickly learned how this move was truly possible, even for me! Chip was patient and kind; he challenged my doubts, eased my fears and worked alongside me without pressure to realize something that I never thought possible. Here I am! A business owner with so much promise ahead of me! Thank you Chip Meyers! I sincerely appreciate you!!!

    Sharon W – New Business Owner, PA
  • Chip was a fantastic coach/advisor/mentor throughout my journey from the corporate world to owning my own franchise business. Similar themes in Chip’s coaching and that of the SBA SCORE Mentor program gave me the confidence to double down on my relationship with Chip. He’s a great listener and, rather than push me into a particular direction, Chip guided me to the destination I was already seeking. He helped me better define my goals through introspection and open dialogue. Part career coach, part therapist, part business advisor, Chip truly offers everything you’ll need on your career journey and next big move!

    Ryan L – New Business Owner, CT
  • Chip is a great career coach and even better person. He views his work as a vocation to help people find their true calling, whether it be through self sufficiency or as an employee. I worked with him for nearly 6 months in search of clarity for the next phase of my career. He was incredibly supportive during a difficult and challenging phase of my life while, at the same time, also educating me on all options of self sufficiency through both franchising and small business ownership. Based on our extensive conversations, Chip not only presented multiple franchise opportunities, but why he thought these opportunities might be a good fit for me. He also taught me how to evaluate and analyze these opportunities so that I had the tools to decide if they were a good fit for me. Even though Chip spent a tremendous amount of time helping me, he remained completely impartial with my well being as his first and foremost concern. Throughout my “discovery” process, I vacillated between starting a small business and a franchise opportunity but ultimately had an opportunity emerge in a career unrelated to those other options. When I informed Chip that I decided to forgo self sufficiency, he was genuinely happy that I had found clarity and a new path. I am grateful for the role that Chip played in my life this past year. He was a beacon in a stormy sea of uncertainty. I would recommend him to anyone in search of evaluating their career in search of purpose and direction. He will help you find the correct path for you.

    Ryan S – Health Care Sales Executive, OH
  • I have had the opportunity to have several phone conversations with Chip and I learned something different each and every time!  He is a great resource and the process he takes you through is purely educational and designed to help you decide what your priorities are and even what type of business you may want or not want.  I highly recommend Chip, and any time you spend learning with him is highly beneficial!

    Lee L – President, MO
  • I met Chip at an Expo in Virginia, and he told me about his services as a Career Ownership Coach. I was not sure at first, but I decided to contact him and see for myself, and I am really glad that I did. What I learned from the few months that I worked with him, is better than almost everything that I learned during my four years of college as a business major! He never applied any pressure on me and really just allowed me the chance to make an educated decision about the opportunities presented to me. I decided that I am not ready yet for taking the leap into franchise ownership, but I don’t regret a second I spent working with Chip so far. I genuinely appreciate all his help and look forward to keeping in touch with him in the future.

    Omar K – Auditor, VA
  • I’ve been working with Chip for about 6 months now and I have to say that he has exceeded my expectations in every way. I wasn’t sure what to expect when we started, but Chip has been very genuine and helpful throughout our time together. I’ve always felt like Chip had my best interest in mind and never felt like he was pressuring my or trying to sell me something. He is very knowledgeable and well connected and has helped me out tremendously in finding direction in my career. I would recommend working with Chip to anyone who is looking to explore new opportunities or has an interest in entrepreneurship!

    Kevin F – New Business Owner, IN
  • Due to Covid and the impact it had on my employer, I was laid off…first time in my 30+ year career. After some soul searching, I ventured into the unchartered and choppy pandemic job market. But then , Chip entered into my world and for the next few months, Chip set out to learn all he could about me and what all my soul searching answered. I looked forward to my scheduled weekly chats with Chip, and honestly, eventually felt more like I was speaking with a friend, than someone who would help me learn all there was to learn about franchise opportunities. After complete due diligence by Chip, I was presented (3) quality franchise options, and all three were a great fit for what I was looking for. I eventually accepted another business development role in the corporate world, but this experience with Chip was one I will not soon forget, and who knows what the future holds for me. One thing I am certain of, if that future puts me in front of someone interested in learning more about franchise opportunities, I will know exactly where to send that person. AMAZING, OUTSTANDING effort….and a true professional Chip Meyers was for me.

    Mike A – Corporate Development & Strategic Accounts, IN
  • For the first time in my 25+ year career, I found myself without a job in the summer of 2020, as part of a company reorganization. As I began my evaluation of this new landscape and the daunting challenge of finding a position back in the corporate world during the height of the pandemic, I received a call from Chip, whom I had never spoken to or met before. Over the next 2+ months, Chip and I took a journey of self-evaluation that I had never ever allowed myself to go down. This journey challenged me to consider ALL options for my future, and define exactly what was most important to me and my family. Ultimately, I re-entered the corporate world, however I would NEVER have gained the clarity I developed over those 2 months, without the guidance of Chip Meyers. He is one of most professional individuals I have ever worked with……….and though we never met in person, I consider him a friend and mentor !

    Mike K – Head of Sales, Strategy and New Business Development, NC
  • It’s my pleasure to recommend Chip! He was extremely helpful in identifying several franchise opportunities for me to investigate. He was quite methodical in his approach, and took the necessary time to learn about my experiences, and personal and professional background, then used that knowledge to present opportunities that were aligned with my goals and interests. Additionally, he functioned exceptionally as a “thought-guide” by conducting meaningful conversations that helped me clarify my objectives and preferences which ultimately led to a very satisfying decision to pursue one of the franchise opportunities. If your interests are moving you in the direction of owning your own business, then don’t hesitate to reach out to Chip, as he is an excellent resource and a highly effective coach in assisting one to achieve the clarity that results in a positive course of action.

    Ronn D – multi unit new business owner, PA
  • Chip embodies that rare combination of genuinely helpful, insightful, and well-connected. He and I first met in our previous careers, and we’ve stayed connected as he became an invaluable career ownership and transition coach. Chip stops at nothing to provide a wealth of knowledge, connections, and mentorship – all driven by his genuine desire to help and support others. I recommend speaking with Chip for anyone considering making a shift and taking true ownership over their careers and lives.

    Chase D – Consultant and advisor to entrepreneurs, VA
  • Chip is a phenomenal business / transition coach. He helped me find “clarity” amidst all of the confusion that comes with starting your own business. He is ethical, patient, and understands the unique stress(es) that comes along with “venturing out on your own”. I would highly recommend Chip to anyone that wants to explore career possibilities outside of the normal grind of Corporate America. I don’t know that I would have made the right decision (for me) without his assistance. If you are tired of the Corporate world and want to start investing in your own sweaty equity, connect with Chip – it helps to speak with someone that has your best interest at heart. I’ll be forever grateful to him for his guidance and friendship.

    Craig B – Owner, VA
  • I worked with Chip on my transition from the corporate world to business ownership. I was blown away by Chip from our very first meeting. His authenticity, passion for what he does, and complete and total commitment to his clients is second to none. The process that Chip guided me through allowed me to quickly identify businesses that would be good for me and help drastically increase the odds of my success. I can honestly say that there is NO WAY I would have been able to successfully make the transition from corporate world executive to small business owner without Chip’s guidance along the way. If you are considering an entrepreneurial move (and you should!), you owe it to yourself to reach out to Chip Meyers.

    Mike F – President and CEO, NC
  • I have worked with Chip over the past year as a client. In that time I have grown to trust Chip and understand that his motivation is to see his clients succeed and not to close a deal. In the past year Chip has shown me that my talent and skills are appreciated. I am working just as hard now as I was in my previous positions but it is worth it. If you are tired of being the hamster running on someone else’s wheel, you should talk to Chip.

    James G – New Business Owner, LA
  • “I started with just me and one truck, working out of my garage. I now have four employees, and I am in a commercial space. The earnings potential is pretty well limitless at this point. I am busy. I do have to spend time away from my family just as I did before. But now, if I want to stay home and cook my kids breakfast, I can. On nice sunny days, if I want to cut out early to take the kids swimming, I do. I don’t just have weekends to choose from anymore.”

    BRANDEN BOWDEN, New Business Owner
  • “After working as an executive in the Detroit area, I found myself at a crossroads. At the age of 64, many people are looking to wind down; but I was starting a whole new adventure. I considered taking another shot at the day-to-day corporate grind. I tried to find another position, but my wife and I have always dreamed of owning our own business, so we began to examine the possibilities. That’s when I found The Entrepreneur’s Source®. I feel my coach has developed his communication skills which allow him to listen with true empathy and I completely trusted The Entrepreneur’s Source process. Now I feel I have personal value in my work. I am loving being a business owner and can see the impact it can have on others. The Entrepreneur’s Source has a great process to help you explore self-sufficiency.”

    RICK WEAVER, New Business Owner
  • “I was traveling across the country working in corporate sales and one day I realized that I didn’t want to travel anymore! That’s when I began to think about owning my own business. I began working with my Career Ownership Coach who helped me begin my Journey of Discovery. For me, it was a great process. I was learning about what excited and motivated me, but also what didn’t! That was just as important. I am so happy I went on the “journey,” and was also happy to have my coach along with me. He was a very good listener. He was genuinely interested in my long-term success. and he challenged me to see some things I didn’t even see in myself.”

    LEE PUTNAM, New Business Owner
  • “I had worked for 15 years in the world of corporate finance when I was forced to make a sudden exit. I had always thought to myself, I have this great corporate job, I’m on easy street. But I was really in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had no control over my own destiny. My Career Ownership Coach helped me take a close look at Franchising to achieve self-sufficiency.  Franchising was a better choice for me rather than starting a business from the ground up. I have a good sense of how things should run and customer service but I tend not to be strong on the sales side and frankly, I am not the stereotypical idea-man. A franchise is giving you the playbook, and you have a product. In my mind a lot of the basics have been built, you just need to follow the proven system. When friends are approaching those exit ramps in life, the first thing I tell them to do is to connect with a Career Ownership Coach at The Entrepreneur’s source.”

    ANDREW BROWN, New Business Owner
  • Chip was a fantastic coach/advisor/mentor throughout my journey from the corporate world to owning my own franchise business. Similar themes in Chip’s coaching and that of the SBA SCORE Mentor program gave me the confidence to double down on my relationship with Chip. He’s a great listener and, rather than push me into a particular direction, Chip guided me to the destination I was already seeking. He helped me better define my goals through introspection and open dialogue. Part career coach, part therapist, part business advisor, Chip truly offers everything you’ll need on your career journey and next big move!

    Ryan L – New Business Owner, CT
  • “Being an entrepreneur was always an idea in my head, but to be honest, I thought when I got to the point in my life that I had a family, that that ship had sailed. My wife and I met with our Career Ownership Coach and found The Entrepreneur’s Source® to be a valuable tool throughout our discovery process. Now, as a business owner I have not only raised nearly $1 million dollars for schools in my community, but I work hard, and I get the flexibility to do what I want to do when I want to do it.”

    MICHAEL SCROOPE, New Business Owner

Let’s start the discovery process with a free consultation. My goal is to help you discover what your future has in store, and I can’t wait to get started.

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